
Welcome to visit the website of ZONTVIK!
Special chassis
Workover rig
Oilfield heavy duty trailer
Trailer mounted generator setTrailer mounted mud pumpTrailer mounted air resource houseTrailer mounted camp
Rig fast moving system
Mast fast moving systemRig up fast moving system1000HP substructure fast moving system1500hp-2000hp substructure fast moving system
Swabbing truck
Well flushing and paraffin removal truck
Air resource house
Well flushing pump
Water treatment equipment

? 2019 Henan ZhongTe Vik Petroleum Machinery Co.,Ltd   

Address:No.12,Daqing Road,Hualong Strict,Puyang City,HenanProvince,China  Telephone:0393-8916399   Mobile: 0393-8916399 15939306099  Email:zontvik@163.com   manager@zontvik.com

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